Where to Find Us
The Peace Learning Center is located on the Northwest side of Indianapolis, Indiana at 6040 DeLong Road inside of Eagle Creek Park.
Peace Learning Center
6040 Delong Rd.
Indianapolis, IN 46254
Phone: 317.327.7144
Fax: 317.327.7312

Our Location
How to Get Here
The Peace Learning Center is located on the Northwest side of Indianapolis, Indiana at 6040 DeLong Road inside of Eagle Creek Park.
From Downtown
Take 38th Street, I-70 or Meridian Street to I-65 North.
From I-65
Exit to the 71st Street Exit. Take 71st Street West to the Eagle Creek Park Entrance.
I-465 Northbound
Exit to the 56th Street Exit. Take 56th Street West to the Eagle Creek Park Entrance.
I-465 Southbound
Exit to the 71st Street Exit. Take 71st Street West to the Eagle Creek Park Entrance.
At the Park Entrance
After entering the gate, follow the signs to the Peace Learning Center turning on Walnut Point Road. Take the first left onto DeLong Road and make an immediate right to enter the PLC Drive.
Additional Assistance
Do you need additional assistance? Click here to contact a team member.