Peace Learning Center is the proud home of Peace Learning Circles—formerly Tribes. A tried and true method for leveraging cooperative learning in the classroom, Peace Learning Circles is a research-based, CASEL Select social-emotional learning program that prioritizes the healthy development of every child. It is designed to engage members of the educational community in goal-oriented collaboration to create a caring and supportive environment that establishes positive expectations and promotes the active participation of all students K-12.
Peace Learning Circles—abbreviated as PLCircles—is a curriculum that has the capacity to combine SEL with content focused lessons. In other words, in classrooms where teachers are increasingly pressed for time, Peace Learning Circles offers the best of both worlds, and ultimately a healthier classroom for instructors and students alike.
“This book intersects the logic of practice and research with the ethic of working with students to encourage all of us who are educators to be more consciously competent in the construction of collaborative classroom and school environments; environments designed to increase both the life chances and learning chances of our students.”
Barrie Bennett, PhD
quote on the back cover of Engaging All by Creating Tribes Learning Communities

The revised book is available for purchase!
The core content you love remains the same, and you will appreciate a refreshed look, asset-based language, and updated research to reflect the developments in neuroscience and culturally responsive pedagogy.
Training Opportunities
NEW WORKSHOP: Starting the School Year inspired by PLCircles
This half-day workshop is designed to help educators explore the following questions:
Why do we use community circles?
How might we foster a sense of belonging in the classroom?
How might we create a welcoming, inclusive environment to start the school year?
The Peace Learning Circles basic implementation workshop will be available again starting June 2025.
We can come to you! If you have a group of 10+, you can schedule a private training.
You can come to us!
Save the date! We will be offering an in-person PLCircles workshop in Indianapolis, Indiana.
June 10-12, 2025
Are you ready to schedule a workshop? Contact Director of Engagement Jay Horan:
Questions about Peace Learning Circles? Contact Director of PLCircles Emily Tribbett:
The name changed from Tribes Learning Communities to Peace Learning Circles in 2021.

From Tribes to Circles
When Jeanne Gibbs [Founder, Author of Tribes] conceived of the Tribes program in the 1970s, many would have heard the name and thought little of its cultural connotations. ‘Tribes’ evoked images of community and connectedness. However, as our shared understanding of cultural appropriation and its impact has grown, there’s a greater need to critically question the language we choose to represent ourselves and our programs. While this framework certainly can and does serve numerous indigenous, Aboriginal, and First Nation communities, we recognize that it is beyond our role to freely use significant cultural terminology.
The new name, Peace Learning Circles, still recalls the same sense of community and connection while ensuring that every part of the process reflects the framework’s core values of inclusion and responsive education.
David Gibbs, former owner and son of Jeanne had this to say about the renaming, “We support the name change decision and look forward to witnessing the continued growth and development of Peace Learning Circles. The importance of building healthy, caring communities for learning has never been greater."
The name Peace Learning Circles reflects the intentionality and inclusivity that the program and its curriculum’s objectives aim toward.

"We are forever grateful for the opportunity to further Jeanne's legacy and grow the program for a better and brighter tomorrow."