social justice Parents and Families summer

Social Justice Leadership Camp Taking Applications


by Clare Wildhack-Nolan

Social Justice Leadership Camp for 2019 is now taking applications! We cannot wait to meet the new leaders who will arrive at camp. Each summer it has been amazing to facilitate and get to know the bright, powerful youth who come to camp. Each day is an adventure watching the group get to know each other, gaining trust as a group and in themselves. In this text and computer-based world it takes extra bravery to share your authentic selves with people, offering your hopes and struggles, being challenged in a face to face format; however, each summer teenagers crush stereotypes and do it, better than most adults can!

Social Justice Leadership Camp is a two-week day camp, July 8th to the 20th (9:00 am to 4:30 pm), with optional overnights on Fridays. Each day involves activities designed to build leadership skills, analyze power through critical thinking skills, develop community, provide time for self-reflection, and have fun! The themes of each day include: Who I Am, Social Justice Leadership 101, Economic Justice, Racial Justice, Gender and Sexuality Justice, Using Our Voice for Justice-Taking Action, Community Tours, and a SJ Leader Lunch. The camp will be held in the Butler Tarkington Neighborhood at the UUI Church. The cost is whatever families can afford, between $10-$200. We want to make sure money is not an obstacle for any participant. Please let us know if you need transportation assistance.

Here is the link to the application:

Youth leaders who participated in camp last year wanted people to know this about camp:

“I liked how we didn’t stay in the same place for the whole day. We went out sometimes and walked around Indianapolis and went to different places. We got to do activities to help ourselves and others, and I got to meet new people.”- Diana, 9th grade, Camper 2018

“What I liked about SJL Camp was I got to voice my own opinion about topics and hear others. I love how diverse the group was and how we were really open to different people. I felt like I belonged and I was accepted by everyone.”- Camper, 2018

“ I had always wanted to be more involved in my community and meet up with people that cared about the same things I do. At camp, I met a lot of incredibly friendly people that I still talk to today, and I feel more secure in both the things I believe and the people I talk to.”- Camper, 2018

“ It’s never the same thing at SJL Camp. You are always on your toes and everything you do will more than likely be something that you don’t normally do, and it’s really fun.”- Elon, Jr., Camper 2017

Please help support camp by enrolling yourself or a teenager who wants to come, donating money or food to camp, or just by spreading the word!  Contact Clare at

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