
My name is Arianna Cruz. I'll be the Marketing and Communications Intern at the Peace Learning Center this summer. Throughout my time here, I'll be sharing my experiences and new memories with each of you. Starting with my first day at the Peace Learning Center, my eyes were quickly opened to the change taking place in Indianapolis.

Turning into the park immediately set my mind at ease. The morning dew was still glistening in the grass, morning joggers sprinkled the trails along the road, and the morning birds waking everyone up. I walked into my new workhome for the summer, a little nervous but more than excited to learn.

My main purpose at this internship will be learning the ins and outs of how a nonprofit manages their in-house marketing and how the business incorporates the skills of communications. However, with the Peace Learning Center, I'm also on my way to understanding how change starts with a person and the unlimited ways anyone can contribute to the cause.

It's not just about teaching young adults, kids, or adults how to better themselves. The facilitators encourage a kind mindset not only to help a person individually, but they show how a positive attitude in one life will lead to a positive change in the world around them. I strongly believe in leading by example, and on my first day here, I've already observed so much drive, so much heart, and so much passion from the people working here. They all have an aura about them, each of them radiating an enthusiastic, heartwarming energy. Not only am I now excited to learn, but now I'm ready to be part of the change in making more peace in this world.

Be on the look out for my posts on Tuesdays & Thursdays!

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